Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

As it is believed that part of the pilgrims in Saudi Arabia wishes to visit Al-Quds after the
pilgrimage, information about the overall number of pilgrims is to be obtained.

Table 3- 6 shows the number of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia from each group of countries, as
collected from the General Authority for Statistics, Saudi Arabia / Statistical Report (2019).

Table 3 - 6Pilgrims in Saudi Arabia from Each Group of Countries..................................

Group of countries Number of pilgrims^ Growth Ratio
1439 1440
Gulf countries 35,794 33,705 - 5.80%
Arab countries excluding the Gulf countries 465,510 475,831 2.20%

Asian countries excluding Arab countries 1,083,528 1,157,919 6.90%
African countries excluding Arab countries 167,959 190,764 13.60%

European countries 89,368 67,932 - 24.00%

North and South America and Australia 25,519 27,690 8.50%
*Source: General Authority for Statistics, Saudi Arabia.
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