Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

Table 3 - 7 Total tourists from the Israeli Occupation Statistics through 2014-

2 019. Data were obtained from the publication "Tourism to Israel 2019 – Statistical

Table 3 - 7 Total tourists from the Israeli Occupation Statistics through 2014- 2019

Year (^) PassengersTotal (^) PassengersAir Peak Month Peak Month Volume
2015 3,108,600 2,596,500 October 262,100
2016 3,069,800 2,676,500 May 269,600
2017 3,614,000 3,614,143 November 409,500
2018 4,103,800 4,103,768 October 453,400
2019 3,998,801 3,898,831 November 421,500
*Source: Israeli Occupation Central Bureau of Statistics.

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