Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

Considering the above indicating criteria, site analysis is presented below:

5.2.1 Road Accessibility

Roads network is the artery of the state and the most important part of its infrastructure,
and one of the most important components for growth and keeping pace with the great
development in the world. A great convergence between the road network and the airport
was found, as both are part of the country's public transport complement system.

Consequently, Al-Auja airport site is considered the most suitable amongst all the proposed
sites due to its proximity to Road No. 90 (a highway running along the eastern side of the
West Bank, running from the north to the south of the West Bank). Besides, the road
accessibility is to be improved by the Land Side part of the project (presented by another
group), to connect Road No. 90 and the airport through an interchange.

Figure 5 - 2 Linkage between the airport and Road

Road No, 90.

Figure 5 - 2 Linkage between the airport and Road 90
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