Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

A solution to avoid infringement on the high agricultural value lands is to incline the
runway by 20 degrees from the north. However, when the obstacles were examined, it was
found that the imaginary surfaces intersect with the topography of the area. So, this
proposal was not further considered.

After reviewing the nature of agriculture
that takes place in this area, it was found
that the settlers are the most who get
benefits from these lands (the Israeli
occupation). Also, it is cultivated in
difficult ways and conditions, and part of
it is planted with palms, as illustrated in
Figure 5- 7. Therefore, it is possible to
transfer the uprooted palm trees to other
lands to preserve the vegetation and
environmental cover.

Figure 5 - 7 The Nature of Agriculture at Al-Auja Airport Site

Besides, the Palestinian Ministry of Local Government and the Ministry of Agriculture
pointed out that for such a huge national project like Al-Auja Airport, there is a mechanism
for transferring high-value lands to low agricultural value lands, without affecting the
agricultural and environmental cover of Palestine.

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