Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

5.2.5 Distance from Main Cities

Al-Auja International Airport is classified as a transport airport, consequently, it must be
located close enough to the centers of the governorates of the homeland to facilitate easy
access to the airport, to obtain the best possible service, and to be an ideal alternative for
other means of transport to move abroad. The distance and time between Al-Auja Airport
and the Palestinian cities' centers were measured using an accurate application, which is
MAPS.ME as detailed in Table 5-4.

Table 5 - 4 Time and Distance from Al-Auja Airport to Palestinian Governorates Centers


From Al-Auja Airport to Governorates Centers
(by car)
Distance (Km) Time (hr)
Jenin 109 km 01:49
Nablus 73 km 01:16
Tulkarm 97 km 01:38
Jericho 8.6 km 00:10
Hebron 82 km 01:18
Jerusalem 46 km 00:39
Tubas 90 km 01:27
Bethlehem 54 km 00:51
Salfit 65 km 01:09
Ramallah 52 km 00:50
Qalqilya 97 km 01:31
Touristic areas in the Dead Sea 88 km 01:13
Gaza Strip 160 Km 02:18
Yasser Arafat Airport (Rafah,

198 Km
(138 Km) *


* Air distance between Al-Auja Airport and Yasser Arafat Airport.
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