Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

Figure 5 - 12 Biodiversity near to Al-Auja Airport's Site

Figure 5 - 13 Natural Reserves near to Al-Auja Airport's Site

5.2.6 Environmental Assessment

The world nowadays is moving towards preserving the environment with all its
components, as we suffer from pollution and severe environmental challenges in the last
two centuries; hence engineering, with all its specializations, tends to develop and protect
the environment.

As the location of Al-Auja Airport was studied concerning Palestine environmental

conditions; considering the GIS layers of the Geomolg, the following was found:

Biodiversity: The airport site is far from
the Palestinian biodiversity areas, as
illustrated in Figure 5- 12.

Natural Reserves: It was found that the
airport has no bad effects on the natural
reserves, as illustrated in Figure 5- 13.

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