Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

5.2.7 Closeness to the Residential Areas

The airport’s proximity to residential buildings and urban expansion leads to many
negative effects, including the noise from the airport; this affects the comfort of the citizen
badly. Besides, the presence of high-rise residential buildings close to the airport may
impede the take-off and landing processes. Also, the closeness of the airport to the
residential areas limits the future expansion of the airport.

Figure 5- 14 shows the large spacing between the airport and the residential and inhabited
areas, this leads to the fact that the airport location is very appropriate in this respect,
avoiding all the negative effects of the airport's proximity to residential areas.

Figure 5 - 14 Closeness of Al-Auja Airport to the Residential Areas

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