Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

5.3 Al- Auja Airport Demand Forecasting

Plans for the development of the various components of the airport system depend to a
large extent on the activity levels which are forecast for the future. An understanding of
the future demand patterns allows assessing future needs for which the physical facilities
are designed. There are various airport activity measures used to determine facility
requirements including traffic volume, passenger enplanements, and peak hour airport
operations. Airport activity can be sensitive to industry changed, national and local
economic conditions.

5.3.1 Forecasting Annual Passengers' Volume:

The forecasts of the annual passengers who will use Al-Auja Airport through the period
(2027-2050), was developed depending on the current passengers of the West Bank, Gaza
Strip, and foreign arrivals. The target year was selected to be 2050.

Palestinian Passengers (West Bank Citizens):

Figure 5 - 16 Air passengers from the West Bank through 2014-

The process of analyzing airport demand from the West Bank will rely on the percentage
of passengers relative to the population because the current numbers of passengers are not
representative due to the political and economic challenges caused by the occupation.

Using the data obtained from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, and the General
Administration of Borders and Crossings (2014-2019), shown in Table 5- 5 , the population
of Palestinians and the total number of West Bank passengers traveling from and to the
West Bank through the Al-Karma crossing are illustrated.

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