Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

  • An annual increment of 1% through 2038-2045, so the percentage will be 62.3% in

Table 5- 7 shows the expected volume of passengers from the West Bank who will use Al-
Auja Airport through the period 2027-2050.

Table 5 - 7Forecasted air passengers' volume (West Bank citizens) 2027-


%Air Passengers of
total passengers


%Total passengers

Year Population (^) of population
2027 3,526,952 74% 2,609,945 32.30% 843,012
2034 4,079,245 81% 3,304,188 46.30% 1,529,839
2042 4,817,100 89% 4,287,219 54.30% 2,327,960
2050 5,688,420 89% 5,062,694 62.30% 3,154,058

  • Sample of calculation for 2034:

  • %Total passengers of population = 0.74 + (2034-2027)×0.01 = 81%

  • Total passengers = 0.81 ×4,079,245= 3,304,188 passengers

  • %Air Passengers of total passengers = 0.323+(2034-2027)×0.02 = 46.3%

  • Air Passengers = 0.463×3,304,188 = 1,529,839 passengers.

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