Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

5.3.2 Peak Month Volume:

Peak month volume of West Bank and Gaza Strip Passengers:

Table 5- 17 indicates the peak month in the West Bank for each year, peak month volume,
and the percentage of peak month volume from the total annual passengers between 2014
and 2019.

Table 5 - 17Peak month passengers' volume for West Bank through 2014-

%Peak month volume
of total passengers

Peak Month

Year Total Passengers Peak Month

2014 1,394,419 August 215,611 15.5%
2015 1,610,882 August 238,334 14.8%
2016 1,802,238 August 261,057 14.5%
2017 2,135,532 July 283,780 13.3%
2018 2,140,206 - - -
2019 2,095,158 September 293,264 14.0%

The average percentage of peak month volume = 14.41%.

To obtain the number of passengers in the peak month for the forecasted years, a percentage
of 14.41% was used which stands for the proportion of the peak month volume from the
annual volume as shown in table 5 - 17.

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