Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

CHAPTER 6 Basic Design Considerations

6.1 Forecasting the Number of Annual Operations:

The number of flight operations at the airport is one of the most important parameters that
airport design depends on due to its great role in the classification of the airport, the
recommended number of runways, the area of the terminal building, and the level of service
provided by the airport.

To determine the expected number of annual operations that would be conducted at Al-
Auja Airport, the annual activity of Queen Alia Airport was considered as a reference. The
data of Queen Alia Airport was obtained during the period 2007-2014, including the
number of passengers at the airport and the number of annual operations.

Table 6- 1 shows the number of annual operations depending on the total number of
passengers using the airport; data was obtained from Queen Alia International Airport.

Table 6 - 1Annual Operations (Queen Alia International Airport)

operations of
total passengers

Number of


Year (^) passengers
2007 3,861,126 44,672 1.16%
2008 4,477,811 51,314 1.15%
2009 4,770,769 57,726 1.21%
2010 5,422,301 62,863 1.16%
2011 5,467,726 63,426 1.16%
2012 6,250,048 51,165 0.82%
2013 7,095,685 71,753 1.01%

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