Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

  • The average operations percentage of total passengers is 1.1%.

  • Assuming that the same percentage will be applied to Al-Auja International

Table 6- 2 shows the expected number of annual operations in Al-Auja Airport (2023-

Table 6 - 2Expected Annual Operations (2032-2045)

Number of Annual

Total Air

Year (^) Passengers
2027 - 2034 7,820,525 86,026
2035 - 2042 12,714,453 139,859
2043 - 2050 20,240,881 222,650

6.2 Capacity Analysis:..............................................................................................

Measuring the airfield capacity is driven by many factors including runway use
configuration, fleet mix, and runway operational procedure. Each is calculated to
cumulatively determine the hourly capacity and annual service volume for an airport.

6.2.1 Mix Index:

Different types of aircraft operating on an airport impact airport capacity. So, it is necessary
to specify the types of aircraft that can use a given runway, it is defined in terms of a mix
index. This index is an indication of the level of operations on the runway by large and
heavy aircraft. The mix index is given by the FAA's formula:

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