Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

6.2.3 Airfield Capacity:........................................................................................

The total capacity of the airport refers to the processing capability of a service facility over
some period, defined as the maximum number of operations that a facility can
accommodate. Delay occurs when operations exceed the available capacity at an airport.
Capacity is measured using hourly capacity, annual service volume, and aircraft delay.

The runway capacity is affected by the ceiling and visibility conditions, the mix of aircraft
using the runway system, the ratio of arrivals to departures, and the physical configuration
of the runway system.

To determine the number of operations per hour (peak hour), Table 12- 9 in the FAA will
be used.

  • For Phase I (2027-2034); 53 operations per hour for an annual service volume of
    210,000 operations and a mix index of (81-120) %.

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