Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

Table 6 - 4 Allowable crosswind component per Runway Design Code (RDC)

  • Wind Coverage

The most advantageous runway orientation based on wind is the one that provides the
greatest wind coverage with the minimum crosswind components. Wind coverage is the
percent of time crosswind components are below an acceptable velocity. The desirable
wind coverage for an airport is 95 percent, based on the total number of weather
observations during the recording period.

Table 6- 5 contains the wind coverage at Al-Auja in Jericho, which was obtained from the
Palestinian Meteorology Department. The observations were recorded at Jericho Station,
Figure 3-1, the study duration was 25286 hrs, through the period 2012-2020.

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