Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Concrete ~ a composite with many variables, represented by
numerous gradings which indicate components, quality and
manufacturing control.
Grade mixes: C7.5, C10, C15, C20, C25, C30, C35, C40, C45, C50,
C55, and C60; F3, F4 and F5; IT2, IT2.5, and IT3.

C = Characteristic compressive
F = Flexural
IT = Indirect tensile
NB. If the grade is followed by a `P', e.g. C30P, this indicates a
prescribed mix (see below).
Grades C7.5 and C10 † Unreinforced plain concrete.
Grades C15 and C20 † Plain concrete or if reinforced containing
lightweight aggregate.
Grades C25 † Reinforced concrete containing dense
Grades C30 and C35 † Post-tensioned reinforced concrete.
Grades C40 to C60 † Pre-tensioned reinforced concrete.
Categories of mix: 1. Standard; 2. Prescribed; 3. Designed; 4. Designated.

1. Standard Mix † BS guidelines provide this for minor works or
in situations limited by available material and manufacturing
data. Volume or weight batching is appropriate, but no grade
over C30 is recognised.

  1. Prescribed Mix † components are predetermined (to a recipe)
    to ensure strength requirements. Variations exist to allow the
    purchaser to specify particular aggregates, admixtures and
    colours. All grades permitted.

  2. Designed Mix † concrete is specified to an expected
    performance. Criteria can include characteristic strength,
    durability and workability, to which a concrete manufacturer will
    design and supply an appropriate mix. All grades permitted.

  3. Designated Mix † selected for specific applications. General
    (GEN) graded 0†4, 7„5†25 N/mm^2 for foundations, floors and
    external works. Foundations (FND) graded 2, 3, 4A and 4B,
    35 N/mm^2 mainly for sulphate resisting foundations.
    Paving (PAV) graded 1 or 2, 35 or 45 N/mm^2 for roads and drives.
    Reinforced (RC) graded 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 N/mm^2 mainly for
    See also BS EN 206-1: Concrete. Specification, performance,
    production and conformity, and BS's 8500-1 and -2: Concrete.

strengths at 28 days (N/mm^2 )

Concrete Production---Specification

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