Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Connections ~ nails, screws and bolts have their limitations when
used to join structural timber members. The low efficiency of joints
made with a rigid bar such as a bolt is caused by the usual low
shear strength of timber parallel to the grain and the non-uniform
distribution of bearing stress along the shank of the bolt †

Timber Connectors ~ these are designed to overcome the problems
of structural timber connections outlined above by increasing the
effective bearing area of the bolts.

Toothed Plate Connector † provides an
efficient joint without special tools or
equipment † suitable for all connections
especially small sections † bolt holes
are drilled 2 mm larger than the bolt
diameter, the timbers forming the
joint being held together whilst being

Split Ring Connector † very efficient
and develops a high joint strength †
suitable for all connections † split
ring connectors are inserted into a
precut groove formed with a special
tool making the connector
independent from the bolt.

Shear Plate Connector † counterpart
of a split ring connector † housed
flush into timber † used for
temporary joints.

Long Span Roofs

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