Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Kerbs, 137
Kelly bar, 231 4
Kentledge, 149, 247, 301
Kitemark, 63

Laboratory analysis of soils, 72, 812,
85  7
Ladders, 1412, 145
Laminated timber, 553 6
Land caissons, 292
Land reclamation, 318
Landings, 693 706
Lantern lights, 592
Large diameter piled foundations, 229, 233
Larssen sheet piling, 291
Latent defects, 28
Lateral restraint, 462, 658 61
Lateral supportbasements, 271
Lateral supportwalls, 425, 462, 658,
661  2
Lattice beam, 426, 536, 557, 569, 571 2
Lattice girder, 536
Lattice jib crane, 189
Lattice truss, 426, 559, 569 75
Leaderpiling rig, 238
Lean-to roof, 418, 422, 461
Lens light, 592
Levelling, 129 31
Lift casting, 256
cable, 794
circuits, 794, 796
sites, 94 6
Lightweight decking, 577
Lightweight infill panels, 596, 598 9
Limiting U values, 478, 483 4
Lintels, 358, 362, 365, 621, 625
Litzka beam, 535
Load-bearing concrete panels, 607
Load-bearing partitions, 618, 6202, 629
Local authority building control, 57 8
Locating services, 124
Loft hatch, 491
Long span roofs, 569 78
Loop ties, 257
Lorries, 180
Lorry mounted cranes, 188 9
Loss Prevention Certification Board, 66
Low emissivity glass, 383, 385 6
Luffing jib, 192
Lyctus Powder Post beetle, 463

Maguire’s rule, 766
Mahogany, 738
Main beams, 7, 16, 538

Mandrel, 242
Manifestation of glass, 388
Manometer, 765, 783
Mansard roof, 419, 427
Masonry cement, 356
Masonry partitions, 629
Mass concrete retaining wall, 253
Mass retaining walls, 252 3
Mast cranes, 192
Mastic asphalt tanking, 274 5
Mastic asphalt to flat roofs, 451
Mastic sealant, 742
conductivity, 470 1
density, 36, 470 1
hoist, 183
storage, 8991, 1005, 284 5
testing, 106  19
weights, 35  6
Mathematical tiles, 415
Mattress retaining wall, 262
MD Insurance, 28, 58
Mechanical auger, 78
Meeting rails, 372 3
Meeting stiles, 374, 724
Metal casement windows, 370
Metal section decking, 499, 677
Metal stairs, 705 7
Meter box, 78890, 797 8
Methane, 351
Method statement, 33
Micro-bore heating, 786
Middle shore, 155
Middle third rule, 249
Mineral insulating cable, 792
Miniature circuit breaker, 790 1
Mixing concrete, 198200, 286 8
Mobile cranes, 186 90
Mobile scaffold, 145
Modular coordination, 47 8
Modular ratio, 506
Mohr’s circle, 86
Moment of resistance, 160, 544
Monitor roof, 569, 571
Monogroup cable, 526
Monolithic caissons, 292
Monopitch roof, 418, 461
Monostrand anchorage, 529
Monostrand cable, 526
Mortar mixes and strength, 354, 356 7
Morticing machine, 734
Movement joint, 135, 581, 595, 61013,
624, 701
Mud-rotary drilling, 79
Multi-purpose excavators, 175, 179
Multi-span portal frames, 550, 552


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