Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It

(Darren Dugan) #1

someone like-minded one of ten times. If he understood that
his counterpart was different from him, he would most
surely have increased his success rate.
From the way they prepare to the way they engage in
dialogue, the three types negotiate differently. So before you
can even think about bargaining effectively, you have to
understand your counterpart’s “normal.” You have to
identify their type by opening yourself to their difference.
Because when it comes to negotiating, the Golden Rule is
The Black Swan rule is don’t treat others the way you
want to be treated; treat them the way they need to be
(I’ve got a complementary PDF available that will help
you identify your type and that of those around you. Please
visit http://info


Negotiation academics like to treat bargaining as a rational
process devoid of emotion. They talk about the ZOPA—or
Zone of Possible Agreement—which is where the seller’s
and buyer’s zones cross. Say Tony wants to sell his car and
won’t take less than $5,000 and Samantha wants to buy but
won’t pay more than $6,000. The ZOPA runs from $5,000
to $6,000. Some deals have ZOPAs and some don’t. It’s all
very rational.
Or so they’d have you think.
You need to disabuse yourself of that notion. In a real

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