Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It

(Darren Dugan) #1


This book would not have been possible without my son

Brandon’s help. Brandon has been involved in helping me
shape and create these ideas since I first began teaching at
Georgetown University. He was initially just there to video-
record the classes but he also provided me feedback on how
it was going and what was working. To be fair, he actually
has been negotiating with me since he was two years old. I
think I’ve known that ever since I found out he was using
empathy to get out of trouble with his vice-principal in high
school. In my first meeting with my brilliant cowriter, Tahl
Raz, Brandon was there to keep the information flow going
as Tahl soaked it up. In the first progress conference call
with my amazing publisher, Hollis Heimbouch, Hollis asked
about Brandon’s role and Tahl said having Brandon around
was like having another Chris in the room. Brandon has
been indispensable.
Tahl Raz is a flat-out genius. Anyone who writes a
business book without him hasn’t gotten as far as they could
have. It’s that simple. I can’t believe how smart he is or how
quickly he gets it. He is a true business-writing artist. He’s a
great person as well.
Steve Ross, my agent, is a man of integrity and was

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