website and more information, 258
Black Swans, 19, 21, 213–45
ascertaining counterpart’s unattained goals, 231
asking questions to reveal, 110
“crazy” vs. a clue, 232–33, 245
example, Griffin hostage case, 213–14, 216–17, 235, 244
example, MBA student uncovers seller’s constraints, 238–
example, Watson standoff, Washington DC, 224–28
getting face time to unearth hidden factors, 236–37
key lessons of, 244–45
knowing a counterpart’s “religion” and, 225, 228–29, 244
as leverage multipliers, 220–24, 244
listening and uncovering, 228, 244–45
mistaking acting on bad information for craziness, 233–34
mistaking constrained for acting crazy, 234–35
mistaking having other interests for acting crazy, 235
observing unguarded moments to unearth hidden factors,
Taleb’s use of term, 216
theory of, 215
tips for reading religion correctly, 228
uncovering unknown unknowns, 218–20
what they are, 238
Blum, Gabriella, 2–4, 5
body language. See nonverbal communication
Bonderow, Amy, 76–77, 81, 85
Branch Davidian siege, Waco, Texas, 13