Bueno, Jesus, 182–85
Burnham, Martin and Gracia, 140, 143, 144, 145, 146, 166
Burnham-Sobero case, Dos Palmas, 140–41, 142–48, 170
Bush, George W., 143
calibrated, or open-ended, questions, 20, 141, 149, 150,
151–56, 243
Ackerman model and, 207
to analyze negotiation team and behind the table/Level II
players, 171, 172
Assertive (bargaining style) and, 196
caution about using “why,” 153–54, 160, 203
Ecuador kidnapping and, 160, 165, 166, 167
to elicit information, 185
example, doctor and unhappy patient, 150, 155
examples to use, 154, 256
“forced empathy” and, 168
greatest-of-all-time question, 151, 168
“How” questions, 167–69, 181, 186
key lessons of, 160–61
Negotiation One Sheet and, 255–58
questions to identify and diffuse deal-killing issues, 256–
questions to identify the behind-the-table deal killers, 256
responses to aggressiveness and, 141, 152, 159, 175
Rule of Three and, 177–78
script for, 157–58
tone of voice for, 167–68
when to use, 154