Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It

(Darren Dugan) #1
words   to  avoid   in, 153
words to begin with, 153, 160

Camp, Jim, 78, 90
car-buying negotiations, 119, 188–90, 243
certainty effect, 127
Chandler, Raymond, 129
Chris discount, 179–80
clearing the barriers to agreement, 61–63, 72
Clinton, Hillary, 53
cognitive bias, 12
Cohen, Herb, 119
collaboration, 21
How/No questions and, 167–68
never create an enemy, 204–5
Collodi, Carlo, 178
Columbia Business School, 131
communication. See also active listening; calibrated, or
open-ended, question; voice tones
calibrated, or open-ended, question, 20, 141, 149, 150,
151–56, 165, 166, 167–69, 170, 174–75, 255–58
Chinese expression about, 111
control in, 160, 166
empathy as “soft” skill, 53
hidden aspects of, 77
“I” messages, 203–4
literal interpretations, mistake of, 77
lying and, 178
“no” and, 75–80

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