Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It

(Darren Dugan) #1
as  “soft”  communication   skill,  53
using an empathy message in negotiations, 182
using labeling to create, 239
using your own name (Chris discount) and, 179–80, 187
verbal and nonverbal language to signal, 46

encouragers, 103
Estabrook, Robert, 150–51
Evelsizer, Marti, 86–87, 88
execution of agreements, 20, 162–87
articulation of implementation, 169
How as necessary with Yes, 164–69
How question and implementation, 168–69, 186
prison siege, St. Martin Parish, Louisiana, 162–63
Rule of Three and, 177–78

fairness, 20, 139
compromise as a bad deal, 115–16, 139
contract for Robin Williams in Aladdin and, 123
error in using, 183
Iranian sanctions and, 123–24
NFL lockout and, 125
Ultimatum Game, 120–23
Voss’s use of, 125–26
when and how to use in negotiation, 124–26
why it’s powerful, 122–24
falsehoods and liars, 172, 173, 176
number of words used, 178
Pinocchio effect, 178
Rule of Three and, 177–78, 186

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