Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It

(Darren Dugan) #1
four    step    process for workplace   negotiation,    44–46
reaction to use of “fair” in negotiations, 125
silences and, 37, 44, 72
use with Assertive bargainers, 196
use with assertive people, 191–92
verbal, 36
Wiseman waiter study, 36

Misino, Dominick, 41–42
Mnookin, Robert, 2–4, 5
Moore, Don A., 120
Moore, Margaret, 214–15, 217
Mousavian, Seyed Hossein, 124
MSU (making shit up) approach, 30
Mueller, Robert, 143

negotiation. See also bargaining hard; specific situations;
specific techniques
clearing the barriers to agreement, 61–63, 72
confrontational showdowns or joint problem-solving
sessions, 151
creating breakthroughs by uncovering unknowns, 213–45
example, Anna and contract negotiation, 65–68
example, getting an airline ticket and upgrade, 68–71
example, getting a rent cut, 208–11
extreme anchor to begin, 199
gaining permission to persuade, 96–112
getting your counterparts to bid against themselves and,
guaranteeing execution of a deal, 162–81

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