Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It

(Darren Dugan) #1
how to  get your    price   (bargaining hard),  188–212
as information-gathering process, 147, 154
labeling and tactical empathy, 49–73
life as, 17
limited predictability and, 219
mantra for, 115, 117, 204
mirroring to establish rapport, 23–48
never split the difference, 18–19, 115, 116, 139
“no” and generating momentum, 74–95

preparation for, 211, 251–58 (see also Negotiation One
problem-solving approach, 8, 11, 14, 15
psychological tactics and strategies, 15–16, 18
questions to transform conflict into collaboration, 140–61
research on and study of, 10–13
shaping what’s fair, 113–39
sweetest two words for, 98
System 1 and 2 concepts and, 13
timing and success of, 119
Voss in Harvard course, 5–8
negotiation errors. See also specific negotiations
aiming low, 252–53
compromising, 18–19, 115–16, 139
deadlines and, 116–20
getting to Yes too quickly, 86, 94, 112
going too fast, 30, 47
hiding a deadline, 120
lack of real communication, 145–48

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