Piano for Beginners 6th ED - 2016 UK

(lily) #1

Time signature
This changes the time
signature of a project.
See pages 38 - 39 for
more on them

Cycle Region
If you’ve already recorded a track
and want to record something
else over the top of a particular
section – for example, the chorus

  • use the Cycle Region tool
    to select part of the track and
    repeat it so you don’t have to
    stop and start to get it right

Apple Loops
If you want to add some hard-
hitting beats or a spot of light
accompaniment, make sure you
check out the Apple Loops menu.
Use the tabs at the top to filter
through the thousands of samples,
then click on one to hear how it
sounds. You could make a whole
song using just these!

Keeping time
Having an out-of-time
recording is disastrous!
However, GarageBand
comes with a built-in
Metronome, meaning
you can keep in time,
at all times. Click the
Metronome icon to
turn this feature on
and off – it will glow
blue when it’s turned
on and remain grey
when it’s switched off
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