Piano for Beginners 6th ED - 2016 UK

(lily) #1

Play in the style of...


lthough music purists would be loathe
to label it classical, and the genre’s fans
wouldn’t want to hear it be classified
as straight-up pop, contemporary
piano music tends to straddle the line between
both genres and adds a bit of new age and
world music into the mix. Compositions are often
kept simple – especially when compared to the
elaborate pieces performed in the Romantic era –
and are usually based on accessible pop-like chord
progressions, although just chords on their own are
rarely used.
Instead, the right hand can use the pop
influences to craft beautiful and accessible melodies
that will appeal to many. Vocal tracks aren’t often
used in the genre, so the right hand can perform
melodies similar to what a vocalist would sing in a
pop song. The left hand often takes influence from

the Classical period and usually plays arpeggios or
Alberti bass patterns to accompany the melody
rather than overpower it.
Just because the music is more simplistic and
attracts a wide range of listeners doesn’t mean that
the pianists are any less skilled, though. It takes a
great degree of expertise to craft a melody that
will pull at a listener’s heart strings like many of
the genre’s finest composers’ works do. Check out
South Korean pianist Yiruma’s River Flows In You for
an example of the contemporary piano music as its
best – you’ll find that the catchy melody and simple
chord structures that define the genre are both
present and correct.

Fusing classical and pop to create accessible yet beautiful songs


piano music

Inspirational works

Artist: Yann Tiersen
Year : 2001 Label: Virgin Records

This intricate and diverse soundtrack
album propelled Yann Tiersen to
the level of global recognition he
deserved. The piano solos “La valse
d’Amélie” and “Comptine d’un autre
été” showcase his delicate style of
piano composition.

First Love
Artist: Yiruma
Year : 2001 Label: Stomp Music

Yiruma’s simple and lyrical style
of contemporary piano music
provides the aspiring pianist with a
smorgasbord of songs to learn. One
of the most popular tracks on this hit
album, “River Flows in You”, is a great
place to start.

I Giorni
Artist: Ludivico Einaudi
Year : 2001 Label: Dischi Ricordi S.p.A.

The title track of this album has been
featured in numerous shows and
adverts. Einaudi’s distinctive sound
is formed from incredibly simple,
carefully constructed riffs, with heavy
use of the sustain pedal creating a
dreamy fluency.

Sophomore Jinx
Artist: Rob Costlow
Year : 2002 Label: Tourist Records

A great example of how the simple
harmonic and rhythmic structures
found within contemporary
music, when played with enough
emotion, can form such intricate and
expressive pieces. Rob Costlow’s style
will sweep you off of your feet.

Check out these contemporary classics

“It takes expertise to craft a melody that will

pull at a listener’s heart strings”

Audio file
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and follow along on your
own keyboard

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