Piano for Beginners 6th ED - 2016 UK

(lily) #1

Facebook fans
How can I get my band and music on Facebook? I want fans not friends!

Sign in to your Facebook account at http://www.
facebook.com, or sign up with the green button.

Go to the Create Page link on the left and choose
Artist, Band or Public Figure from the options.

Add your information and a profile picture to create
your band’s page! You can then edit it.

their own site. Some services will charge a one-off
fee and take a cut off each sale, while others will
charge a yearly fee and let you keep all the profits.
It’s worth gauging how many copies you think your
work will sell before making this decision – make
sure you have arrive at a conservative estimate!
However, once your music is on these services,
the real work begins. Because of their insane
popularity, it’s highly unlikely that people will just
stumble upon your music. You’ll need to consider
using social networking services like Twitter and
Facebook to get the news out there.

Getting heard
I know internet radio is incredibly popular, so how
can I get my music on a station? I know I won’t
be able to get on national radio, but there are so
many stations out there and I’d love to be played
on one.

Instead of sending your demo on tape into DJs
like in the old days, there are a few websites that
enable to you upload your music for the chance
to be on their radio. One such site is http://
amazingtunes.com. By uploading your music, you
stand the chance of being played on their very own
Amazing Radio, which is on digital radio. It doesn’t
matter what genre you play either, as they have DJs
that specialise in indie, ambient, folk and loads more
in between.
If you get selected to be played, you’ll receive
an email from the DJ telling you what show you’ll
be on – so be sure to tell everyone you know and
everyone they know to listen in! Besides those
people that you do tell, you’ll never know who else
might be listening.
Internet radio hosts are always looking for new
music, so don’t be afraid to send your tunes into
them. In the digital age, all it takes is a quick email
with a song attached. To maximise your chances of
gaining radio exposure, make sure you pick a station
that is similar to your style. If you just throw your
work at any station, you’d not only be wasting your
time, but the listeners’ time too!

“Find beginner-focused websites and forums, as

these will contain many like-minded individuals

willing to help out and provide feedback”

Make sure you check out
music-sharing apps
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