Piano for Beginners 6th ED - 2016 UK

(lily) #1

Chords and scales

Get a happy sound with these scales

Major scales

Major scales are the first scales that many people
learn to play as they’re harmonically pleasing and
relatively simple – there are no accidentals to
contend with. To play a major scale with looking at
music, play the root note then follow these intervals:
tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone
(TTSTTTS). The easiest to play is C, as it uses all the
white keys in order. Finger patterns are exceptionally

important when learning scales, and major scales
are a good place to get used to the best way to play.
For many of the simplest major scales – ie not too

many sharps and flats – you will need to tuck under
your thumb on the right hand and cross over your
middle finger on the left hand.

“Harmonically pleasing and simple – there

are no accidentals to contend with”






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