Piano for Beginners 6th ED - 2016 UK

(lily) #1

Portable MIDI controller
Recommended buy: KORG MicroKey 37
Price: £69/$99.99 URL: http://www.korg.co.uk

If you have a laptop and you like to make music on the go, then you may want to check out a
MIDI controller. Chances are your main keyboard won’t be too portable, so a small option like the
KORG MicroKey is worth looking at. The keys are obviously a lot smaller, but you can hook it up
to a laptop to keep the music flowing on the go.

Piano polish
Recommended buy:
Gear4music – Piano polish 200ml
Price: £2.99 (RRP £4.99)
URL: http://www.gear4music.com

Keeping your piano clean is an
important part of caring for your
instrument. After you’ve dusted it
and wiped it down with a damp
cloth, use a specialist piano polish
to maintain the piano’s finish and
appearance. Always remember
to apply the polish to a clean soft
cloth first and not directly into the
piano itself.

Sustain pedal
Recommended buy: Gear4music – Casio SP-20 Sustain Pedal
Price: £26.99 (RRP £34.99) URL: http://www.gear4music.com
Some varieties of digital pianos and most keyboards don’t come with pedals but you can
purchase them separately. A sustain pedal has the same effect as the right pedal on an acoustic
piano, which lifts the dampers off the strings as you play to sustain the notes. Although digital
pianos and keyboards don’t have strings, the sustain pedal can still have the same effect.

Recommended buy: Blue Microphones Snowball
Price: £49/$99 URL: bluemic.com/snowball/
Regardless of the model of your keyboard/piano,
you can use a microphone to record your favourite
tunes – originals or covers. Although prices for
microphones can go well into the thousands,
you can get a good desktop USB microphone for
around £70. You can plug it into your computer
and record directly onto there.

“They’ll help

improve playing

when you’re next

practising or

learning a

new song”

Recommended buy: Wittner Piccolo metronome
Price: £39.99/approx $55 URL: http://www.wittner-gmbh.de
Metronomes are used to help you keep tempo while playing. Many digital ones make a clicking
or bleeping sound to do this and traditional varieties feature a swinging pendulum. You can also
purchase them in various shapes, sizes and finishes so you can purchase one that matches the
style of your instrument.

MIDI to USB adaptor
Recommended buy: USB MIDI Adaptor kit
Price: £20.99/approx $30 URL: http://www.thecablestore.net

If you want to connect your keyboard or digital piano up to your computer, then you will need
to do so via USB. However, if you have an older keyboard, it may not have a USB connection. It
should have two MIDI inputs, though. With two MIDI cables and this adaptor, you will be able to
hook up your keyboard with ease.

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