Piano for Beginners 6th ED - 2016 UK

(lily) #1

Getting started

01 Black key technique
The first thing to get right is your technique. You don’t really want to use your
thumb on the black keys. Instead, try to only use your middle three fingers. This
makes it easier to transition between white and black. There will be times when
this is unavoidable, but until this is the case, try to keep your thumb away.

02 Play with the right hand
When playing the black keys you might need to tuck your thumb under your
fingers to hit a white key. Try this now – play Middle C with your right index
finger, C# with your middle finger and then D with your thumb. Later on, you
will find this technique useful when performing scales.


he black keys on the piano are known as
the flat and sharp keys. In technical terms
this means they make a note half a step (or
a semitone) lower and higher respectively
in pitch from their corresponding white key.
You will notice that the black notes are grouped in
twos and threes, and taking the time to remember
which is which is also a useful way to remember
the white keys’ names. Each black key acts as both
a sharp and a flat. A sharp is a note that’s half a step
higher than the corresponding white key, and the
flats are half a step lower.
First, let’s focus on moving to the right from
Middle C. The black key immediately to the right is C
sharp (C#). This is half a step up from C. Take another
half step and you’ll be at D. Working in order from
Middle C to the right the sharps are C#, D#, F#, G#

and A#. B# and E# are C and F respectively,
although they are rarely referred to in the former
manner. Always remember that sharps are to the
right of a note.
Now find Middle C again and this time go left.
The first black key is B flat (B ). Working down in
order from Middle C the flats are B , A , G , E and
D. C and F are B and E respectively, although
again they are not usually denoted this way. Flats are
always to the left of a note.

Take some time learning what the names of the
black keys are and see if you can recognise the
difference in pitch with their corresponding
white key.

Learn the

black keys

Get acquainted with the world of flats
and sharps right here

Playing the black keysLet’s learn the names of the black keys and try a short melody

“A sharp is a note that’s

half a step higher than the

corresponding white key”

Top tip
Tones and semitones
Tones and semitones (or steps and
half steps) are common terms to
define distance between notes. A
semitone is the distance between each
key on the keyboard. Each sharp or
flat will be a semitone away from its
corresponding white key. The
distance between E & F and^
B & C is also a semitone as
there are no black keys
between them.
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