Piano for Beginners 6th ED - 2016 UK

(lily) #1

Playing the piano

Left-hand intervals

Building an accompaniment

01 Basic note progression
To start with, put four notes together. We’re playing in F major to vary things, but
there’s no harm in sticking in C major if you don’t feel confident, or indeed if you
want to add more to your right-hand melody.

03 Development
Just because you’re playing two notes together in intervals, you don’t need to
harmonise every note. Take this opportunity to develop your bass line, perhaps
by adding in some notes on their own, while keeping your notes from Step 2.

02 Add a harmony
Like we did with the right-hand tune, you can now add a harmony to your four
notes. As well as varying the intervals, try changing up whether they’re intervals
above or below. You can completely change the sound of your tune.

04 Use your whole hand
Of course, you can just play two or more notes at every opportunity! In fact,
doing so is a great way to get every finger on your hand moving. Try playing the
passage above with the same two fingers every time and it’ll be a struggle.
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