101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1
  - How Stories Change and Heal,
- When Not to Speak in Stories,

  • Chapter 2 Guidelines for Effective Storytelling,

    • Ten Guidelines for Effective Storytelling,

    • Six Guidelines for the Storyteller’s Voice,

  • Chapter 3 Tools and Techniques,

    • Books as a Source of Healing Stories: Bibliotherapy,

    • Drama as a Source of Healing Stories,

    • Videos or DVDs as a Source of Healing Stories: Videotherapy,

    • Puppets, Dolls, and Toys as Metaphor,

    • Play as Metaphor,

    • Humor as Metaphor,

    • Experiential Metaphors,

    • Child-Generated Metaphors,

    • Collaborative Tales,

    • To Discuss or Not to Discuss?,


    • Chapter 4 Enriching Learning,

      • Story 2 Kids Can Make a Difference: A Kid Story,

      • Story 3 Kids Can Make a Difference: A Teen Story,

      • Story 4 Feed What You Want to Grow,

      • Story 5 Look after Yourself,

      • Story 6 Come up Laughing,

      • Story 7 It’s in the Way You Do It,

      • Story 8 Making the Most of What You Are Given,

      • Story 9 Doing What You Can,

      • Story 10 Seeking Happiness,

    • Chapter 5 Caring for Yourself,

      • Story 11 Soaring to New Heights: A Kid Story,

      • Story 12 Soaring to New Heights: A Teen Story,

      • Story 13 Recognizing Your Abilities,

      • Story 14 Let Joe Do It,

    • Story 15 Discovering Your Specialness,

    • Story 16 The Importance of Accepting Compliments,

    • Story 17 What You Give Is What You Get,

    • Story 18 Good, Not Perfect,

    • Story 19 Be Yourself,

    • Story 20 Increasing Self-Awareness,

  • Chapter 6 Changing Patterns of Behavior,

    • Story 21 Facing Fears: A Kid Story,

    • Story 22 Facing Fears: A Teen Story,

    • Story 23 See for Yourself,

    • Story 24 Learning to Think for Yourself,

    • Story 25 Build on What You Are Good At,

    • Story 26 Learning New Tricks,

    • Story 27 A Gesture That Changed a Whole Suburb,

    • Story 28 Making a Difference,

    • Story 29 Changing Patterns of Behavior,

    • Story 30 I’m Not Afraid Anymore,

  • Chapter 7 Managing Relationships,

    • Story 31 Caught in the Middle: A Kid Story,

    • Story 32 Caught in the Middle: A Teen Story,

    • Story 33 Making and Maintaining Friendships,

    • Story 34 The Four Faithful Friends,

    • Story 35 Negotiating a Solution,

    • Story 36 New Friends,

    • Story 37 Finding Tenderness,

    • Story 38 Going Inside,

    • Story 39 Putting Yourself in Someone Else’s Place,

    • Story 40 Making and Keeping Friends,

  • Chapter 8 Managing Emotions,

    • Story 41 Heightening Pleasure: A Kid Story,

    • Story 42 Heightening Pleasure: A Teen Story,

    • Story 43 Having Fun,

    • Story 44 Cultivating Contentment,

    • Story 45 Nailing Down Anger,

    • Story 46 Helping with Humor,

    • Story 47 Flying off the Handle,

    • Story 48 Learning to Laugh,

    • Story 49 Change Your Posture, Change Your Feelings,

    • Story 50 Expressing Emotions Congruently,

  • Chapter 9 Creating Helpful Thoughts,

    • Story 51 Managing Grief:A Young Kid Story,

    • Story 52 Managing Grief: A Kid Story,

    • Story 53 An Act of Kindness,

    • Story 54 Things May Not Be What They Seem,

    • Story 55 Positive Reframing,

    • Story 56 Thoughts Determine Feelings,

    • Story 57 Finding Exceptions to Problems,

    • Story 58 Learning to Use What You Have,

    • Story 59 Learning to Discriminate,

    • Story 60 Awakening Confidence,

  • Chapter 10 Developing Life Skills,

    • Story 61 Facing a Moral Dilemma: A Kid Story,

    • Story 62 Facing a Moral Dilemma: A Teen Story,

    • Story 63 Learning about Rules,

    • Story 64 Sometimes Terrible Things Happen,

    • Story 65 Accepting What You Have,

    • Story 66 Taking Responsibility,

    • Story 67 Making Decisions,

    • Story 68 Taking a Different View,

    • Story 69 Overcoming Fear,

    • Story 70 The Secrets of Success,

  • Chapter 11 Building Problem-Solving Skills,

    • Story 71 Overcoming Adversity: A Kid Story,

    • Story 72 Overcoming Adversity: A Teen Story,

    • Story 73 Collaborative Problem-Solving,

    • Story 74 Thinking through a Problem,

      • Story 75 Solving a Problem,

      • Story 76 Acceptance,

      • Story 77 Learning to Share,

      • Story 78 Tending to the Neglected,

      • Story 79 Taking Control,

      • Story 80 Creating a Wish,

    • Chapter 12 Managing Life’s Challenging Times,

      • Story 81 Blowing Away Pain: A Kid Story,

      • Story 82 Managing Pain: A Teen Story,

      • Story 83 Beating a Bully,

      • Story 84 I Am Only Nine,

      • Story 85 Coping with Illness,

      • Story 86 Finding Solutions,

      • Story 87 Facing Challenges,

      • Story 88 Getting Back on Your Feet,

      • Story 89 Facing Thoughts of Suicide,

      • Story 90 Learning to Care for Yourself,

    • Chapter 13 Kids’ Own Healing Stories,

      • Story 91 The Ghost Who Learned to Scare,

      • Story 92 Girl,

      • Story 93 Days to Come,

      • Story 94 Mary-Jane’s Story,

      • Story 95 Sally’s Problem,

      • Story 96 My Life,

      • Story 97 My Life Story,

      • Story 98 Rock Your Way out of It,

      • Story 99 When There Is Nothing I Can Do,

      • Story 100 Lucy Mac’s Story,


    • Chapter 14 How Can I Use Metaphors Effectively?,

      • Potential Pathways for Effective Metaphor Therapy,

      • Potential Pitfalls in Effective Metaphor Therapy,

  • Chapter 15 Where Do I Get the Ideas for Healing Stories?,

    • Metaphors Built on a Basis of Evidence,

    • Metaphors Built on Heroes,

    • Metaphors Built on Imagination,

    • Metaphors Built on Therapeutic Strategies,

    • Metaphors Built on an Idea,

    • Metaphors Built on a Child’s Own Story,

    • Metaphors Built on Humor,

    • Metaphors Built on Cross-Cultural Tales,

    • Metaphors Built on Client Cases,

    • Metaphors Built on Everyday Experiences,

    • Guidelines for Using Personal Life Stories,

  • Chapter 16 How Do I Plan and Present Healing Stories?,

    • The PRO-Approach,

    • Make an Outcome-Oriented Assessment,

    • Plan Your Metaphors,

    • Present Your Metaphors,

    • Stop, Look, and Listen,

    • Ground the Story in Reality,

  • Chapter 17 Teaching Parents to Use Healing Stories,

    • Stories forParents and Parenting,

    • Some Values of Teaching Parents to Use Metaphors,

    • Steps for Teaching Parents Storytelling,

    • An Example of Effective Parental Storytelling,

    • Helping Parents Build Storytelling Skills,

    • And the Story Continues,

  • Story 101 Will You Be My Teacher?,

  • Stories, Resources, References, and Other Sources of Metaphoric

  • Index,

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