101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

popped. It was as if she were blowing her scary feelings away. Perhaps, if she’d wanted, she might have
imagined the scary, hurt feelings sealed inside the bubbles, drifting across the room, away from her.
She giggled when they popped, especially when one landed on her brother’s hair and sat there
for a little while before bursting. Learning to control her breathing, slow or quick, short or long, she
could make different bubbles: small bubbles, big bubbles, single bubbles, a stream of bubbles, and, at
times, even double bubbles.
I washed away the dirt as she blew away bubbles. I bathed it in antiseptic while she blew and gig-
gled, not realizing that she was learning how to change her feelings a little, or how to feel more com-
fortable than she had been. As I dried off the wound and put on the bandage she was still blowing
bubbles and giggling.
Let me show you what we did. If I take this paperclip off my desk, straighten it out, then wrap
it around a fat pen like this one and twist it to make a little handle, we have a bubble ring, especially
for you. Shall we ask your mom to give you some dishwashing liquid in a cup, and you can show her
how you can blow bubbles, too? And will you bring it back next time you come to see me? I would
like to see how well you have learned to blow bubbles, too.


Therapeutic Characteristics

Problems Addressed

■ Pain
■ Hurting without support figures present
■ Medical treatment
■ Lack of pain management skills

Resources Developed

■ Learning a new skill
■ Learning to shift focus of attention
■ Focusing on pleasure rather than pain
■ Using distraction techniques
■ Enjoying success

Outcomes Offered

■ Pain management strategies
■ Self-initiated management skills
■ Ability to shift attention
Do you follow basketball (here you could choose any sport or pursuit in which your client is in-
terested)? Which is your favorite team? Who is your favorite player?
Larry was a keen basketball fan. His bedroom was lined with posters of his team and favorite


Managing Life’s Challenging Times 195

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