101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

one had made a fool of him. He was as mad as a bear with a sore paw. “Climb up on my shoulder,
Squirrel,” he said gruffly. “It’s time for you to see what I’m going to do to that conniving coyote.”
Just when Little Coyote hoped that he was safe, he again heard the sounds of heavy thumping
of paws and the breaking of sticks underfoot. Big Brown Bear was coming back after him, and he had
Squirrel on his shoulder. Little Coyote again faced a problem. He had briefly won an advantage—
but what was he to do now? Should he flee as he always had done? Would he have to be running
scared all his life? Should he allow Big Brown Bear to regain his role of bully of the woods?
No, thought Little Coyote, Big Brown Bear isn’t that smart. I’m a lot brighter. He might be stronger in
his body but I have a strength of mind. With that, Little Coyote began to wonder what he could do. Again
he sat with his back bravely toward Big Brown Bear and Squirrel, pretending he hadn’t seen them.
He waited till the footsteps got close enough for Big Brown Bear to hear him and, at just the right
moment, Coyote said out loud, “Where has Squirrel gone? It must be half an hour since I sent him
off to bring me another brown bear.”


Therapeutic Characteristics

Problems Addressed

■ Parental separation
■ Parental conflict
■ Being caught in the middle
■ Feelings of powerlessness
■ Not knowing what to do

Resources Developed

■ Learning you’re not alone in your situation
■ Accepting that some things can’t be changed
■ Doing what you believe is right
■ Learning to be self-assertive

Outcomes Offered

■ Reassurance
■ Acceptance
■ Self-assertion
Can I tell you a true story about a boy I will call Jason? When I met Jason his parents had sepa-
rated and Jason was living with his mom but spending most weekends with his dad.
Before his parents had separated there was a lot of unhappiness at home. His mom and dad would
often yell at each other. Jason hated it, and was scared by it. He would lie in bed at night, listening to
them fight and feeling frightened about what might happen. It was lonely in the dark of his room all

198 Healing Stories, Teaching Stories

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