101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

Outcomes Offered

■ A future-orientation
■ Optimism
■ Hope
Nobody cares. No one, not even Mum. My dad left us when I was young. I’ve always wondered
what it would be like to have a friend. Every kid in school teases me but I ain’t got a clue why. I al-
ways go sit on me own and cry.
I feel real glum. I feel deflated like a pricked balloon. I feel a sharp pain in my throat when I try
not to cry. So many people bullied me today. So much I ran home at lunchtime, crying. I felt so much
pain. What did I do wrong?
It was 5:15 in the morning when I woke up and Mum still wasn’t home. I wondered drearily
were she was. I never saw her again and that was it. I still imagine her now that she was probably
stoned at some pub or out being a prostitute.
As you know I’ve had a very tough life. I had decided to go and listen to Van Halen because they
always help me when I’m feeling down. They make me feel like I am the king of the world and I can
take on anyone (which I can’t).
I’m old enough to look after myself now. I decided that I should start thinking about the future,
especially a job. I tried lots of things but I never fit in—not anywhere. Why do I have no luck, what-
soever, with anything I try? I am starting to lose self-esteem.
So I decided this was it. I was fed up with life. So the next day I rode my bike up to the local
quarry. I threw all of my belongings over the tall cliff first. Then I decided this was it. Just as I started
to step off I heard the music of me dreams. It was VAN HALEN. Then I knew there was no point
in it. I have a wonder full life ahead of me.

(contributed by Stephanie Wood)

Therapeutic Characteristics

Problems Addressed

■ Parental conflict
■ Abuse of a child
■ Loss of a friend
■ Loneliness
■ Sadness
■ Powerlessness

Resources Developed and Outcomes Offered

This is an eloquently written account of a problem over which the child characters have no control. The reality is
that they may not be able to stop parents from fighting or their best friend being sent off to boarding school. If this


Kids’ Own Healing Stories 223

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