101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

13, “Kids’ Own Healing Stories.” At the time of this story he was an eight-year-old who was terri-
fied of birthday parties and never wanted to attend them (the Problem). His mother created a beau-
tiful story-poem that follows the steps I’ve just described. First, she defined the Outcomes that her
son wanted: He would prefer to go to birthday parties, be excited about the anticipation, and enjoy
the experience of being there. She was then faced with the question of what steps the child in the
story would need to go through to move from fear to enjoyment. She tapped into a skill or Resource
that her son already possessed—juggling. Now, she had the basic ingredients—Outcome, Resources,
and Problem—for crafting the delightful story that follows.

I’m on my way to a birthday party
but I’m feeling a little sad
dressed in all my party clothes
with a present in my bag.
I’m not used to being without my mum
and I’m not at all that sure
that I want to be dropped off, at this party
and collected back at four.
We get there and I get out of the car
the walk to the house seems very far
my mother rings the bell on the door
a grown up comes out standing tall
they have a chat and say, “pick-up’s at four”
I see balloons and streamers they line the hall
My mum gives me a kiss and a bit of a squeeze
I feel very sad and I’ve got trembling knees
I try to be brave ’cause now it’s too late
my mother has just driven out of the gates
The birthday boy he is eight today
he and my friends come up and say,
“Come on out the back so we can play”
but I’m not convinced I want to stay
I turn to my friend and give him his present
he grabs it unwraps it and squeals with delight
“A set of monster glow-in-the-dark PJs
THANKS! I’ll wear them tonight”
“Come and see my new racing car from my mum and dad
with these controls it goes back and forwards, it’s really not bad”
but while I’m looking at his spaceship with the pop-up dome
I’m really wishing that I was back at home

272 Creating Your Own Healing Stories for Kids

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