101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

Njururi, N. (1975). Tales from Mount Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya: Transafrica Press.
Ramanujan, A. K. (Ed.). (1991). Folktales from India.New York: Pantheon.
Retan, W. (1989). Favorite tales from many lands. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
Roberts, A., & Mountford, C. P. (1980). The first sunrise: Australian aboriginal myths in paintings. Ade-
laide, Australia: Rigby.
Rockwell, A. (1994). The robber baby: Stories from the Greek myths.New York: Greenwillow.
Sakya, K., & Griffith, L. (1980). Tales of Kathmandu: Folktales from the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal.
Brisbane, Australia: House of Kathmandu.
Scheffler, A. (1997). Silent Beetle gets the seeds: Proverbs from far and wide. London: Macmillan.
Schultz, G. F. (1968). Vietnamese legends. Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle.
Scott, M. (1988). Irish fairytales. Dublin, Ireland: Mercier Press.
Sherman, J. (1993). Rachel the Clever and other Jewish folktales. Little Rock, AR: August House.
Sierra, J., & Kaminski, R. (1991). Multcultural Folktales: Stories to tell young children. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx
Spears, R. (Ed.). (1991). West African folk tales( J. Berry, trans.).Evanston, IL: Northwestern Univer-
sity Press.
Te Kanawa, K. (1997). Land of the long white cloud: Maori myths, tales, and legends.Auckland, New
Zealand: Viking.
Thomas, R. (2002). Folk tales of Bhutan. New Delhi, India: Learners Press.
Urton, G. (Ed.). (1985).Animal myths and metaphors in South America.Salt Lake City, UT: University
of Salt Lake City.
Zipes, J. (1979). Breaking the magic spell: Radical theories of folk and fairytales. Houston: University of
Texas Press.
Zipes, J. (1994). The outspoken princess and the gentle knight. New York: Bantam.


Religions have long taught through parables. In the spiritual literature are many stories of strong
moral values, positive reframing, constructive management of relationships, and healthy worldviews.
Here is just a small sample.

Berg, L. (1999). The God stories: A celebration of legends. London: Frances Lincoln.
de Mello, A. (1988). The song of the bird.Anand, India: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash.
Feldman, C., & Kornfield, J. (1991). Stories of the spirit, stories of the heart: Parables of the spiritual path
from around the world.San Francisco: Harper.
Friedlander, S. (1987). When you hear hoofbeats think of a zebra: Talks on Sufism. New York: Perennial
Hoff, B. (1989). The tao of Pooh.London: Mandarin.
Hoff, B. (1993). The te of Piglet.London: Mandarin.
Jensen, L. (1999). Uncovering the wisdom of the heartmind.Wheaton, IL: Quest Books.
Martin, R., & Soares, M. (1995). One hand clapping: Zen stories for all ages. New York: Rizzoli.
Redhouse, R. W. (Trans.). (1977). Legends of the Sufis. London: Theosophical Publishing House.


Resources, References, and Other Sources of Metaphoric Stories 291

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