101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

rocks, silver-gray gum leaves rustling overhead and then they see her—a vision of glitter and
rainbow hues, a beautiful bush fairy with jeweled wand hovering on a ledge of mossy sandstone
by the creek. The children are mesmerized by the tantalizing spectacle. The fairy smiles and in-
vites them to join her for a bush walk. How could they resist?
But first, fairy uses her wand to scatter magical fairy dust over the participants to focus on
each sensory modality (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch). The magic is to enhance the sen-
sory experience, to encourage and challenge them to see and hear more, to search beyond the
obvious and to engender wonderment. The children respond immediately with “sightings”—is
that a possum tail dangling from the tree? What bird is that? Why is that leaf speckled and
twisted? Where has the spider gone from the web? What was that rustling in the long grass? Is
that more fairy dust sprinkled near the fungi? So much excitement, anticipation, questions. The
children are engaged through their senses into heightened awareness and valuable interaction
has begun. (Lalak, 2003, p. 72)
For the past six years Nadia Lalak (2003; Eva & Lalak, 2003), a psychologist, landscape consult-
ant, and environmental educator, has enchanted schoolchildren with environment-oriented fairy sto-
ries. Her project aims to raise environmental awareness, inspire ecological consciousness, facilitate
an enhanced experience of landscape, and develop a child’s sense of place in the world. Local resources,
such as bushland reserves, are used to provide children with a direct experience of an easily acces-
sible, natural world. Through tales of the bush fairy, the children develop an understanding of the
landscape, nature’s interrelationships, and the impacts of urbanization.
Lalak bases her approach to informing environmental awareness on the Confucian proverb that

Te ach me and I will forget.
Show me and I remember.
But involve me and I will understand.

For her, stories are an integral part of that process of involvement of children in understanding in-
formation. She says, “Away from a classroom and whiteboard, children respond enthusiastically to
creative interpretations of landscape and ecological issues and the opportunity to be involved in
magic, mystery, storytelling, role-playing, environmental games and fun” (Lalak, 2003, p. 73).


Imagine for a moment that you are attending your first week of school and your teacher tells you,
“One plus one equals two,” while writing some strange symbols on a board. Now imagine a differ-
ent teacher who says, “Jill got home from her first week at school. She was feeling tired and hungry,
but no sooner had she stepped in the door than she could smell the cakes Mom had been freshly bak-
ing. Before she had a chance to ask, her mother said, ‘Would you like a cake?’ Excitedly, Jill munched
her way into the still slightly warm cake. When she finished she was still hungry, so she asked, ‘Can
I have another, please?’ ‘What?’ replied her mother. ‘You have eaten one cake. If you have another

6 Effective Storytelling for Kids and Teens

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