Spoken English: Flourish Your Language

(coco) #1

(^138) Spoken English II
Cop out = choose an easy alternative
Example: She was going to take a Master's degree but copped out
and chose the Diploma course instead.
Could do with = need or want something
Example: I could really do with a cup of tea.
Count in = include or involve
Example: If you're going on that skiing holiday, you can count me
in, I'd love to go.
Crack down = use more authority than usual
Example: The police always crack down on drink-driving offences
over the Christmas period.
Crack up = have a nervous breakdown
Example: He cracked up after his son died and had to take a couple
of months off work.
Crack up = have bad recepti01~ on a mobile phone
Example: You'll have to talk louder-you're cracking up.
Crash out = sleep at someone:1s house because you are too tired:1
drunk:1 etc. to leave
Example: Dave crashed out at a friend's flat after the end-of-term
Crop up = appear unexpectedly
Example: I'm going to be late tonight as something has just cropped
up at work.
Cross out = put as line through some writing to show it is wrong
Example: She crossed out her mistakes and wrote the correct an-
swers above them.
Cut back = reduce

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