Spoken English: Flourish Your Language

(coco) #1

II Phrasal Verbs
Pass on = give a 1n&ssage to s01n&One
Example: I'll pass the message on when she gets here.
Pass out = faint, lose consciousness
Example: He got so drunk that he passed out.
Pay back = repay money borrowed
Example: I paid baclz the twenty pounds I'd borrowed.
Pay back = take revenge on
Example: I'm going to pay him back for that insult.
Pay for = purchase
Example: I paid twenty pounds for the book.
Pay into = deposit money
Example: I paid the cash into my account.
Payoff = completely repay a debt
Example: The mortgage will be paid off in twenty-five years.
Payoff = produce a profitable or successful result


Example: Their patience paid off when he finally showed up and
signed the contract.
Perk up = feel better or happier
Example: She was ill in bed with flu, but she perked up a bit when
some friends dropped by.
Pick at = eat unwillingly
Example: I wasn't very hungry so I just picked at my food.
Pick out = choose
Example: She picked out the ones she wanted to take and left the
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