Spoken English: Flourish Your Language

(coco) #1

11168 Spoken English II
Example: She just pushed in the queue in front of me at the super-
market checkout.
Put away = put something back in the correct place
Example: He put the dictionary back on the shelf after he'd fm-
ished the crossword.
Put back = rearrange something for a later time
Example: The AGM has been put back until July the seventeenth.
Put by = save for the future
Example: I try to put some money by every month towards our
summer holiday.
Put down = kill an animal because it's old~ ill~ etc.
Example: He had his dog put down because it was in a lot of pain
from its tumours.
Put in = install
Example: They had to put in a whole new central heating system
because the house was so cold.
Put in for = make a request
Example: He put in for a transfer to the new branch.
Put off = postpone
Example: The concert's been put offuntil next month because the
singer's got a throat infection.
Put off = stop liking something or somebody
Example: I was really put off by the way he eats with his mouth
Put on = get fat
Example: He's put on a lot of weight since he gave up smoking.
Put out = broadcast

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