Spoken English: Flourish Your Language

(coco) #1

11176 Spoken English II
Sex up = change information to make it more attractive to the
reader \listener
Example: The government denied that they had sexed up the re-
port to make the front page.
Shake off = get rid of an illness
Example: It took me ages to shake off the cough.
Shoot off = leave promptly and quickly
Example: I'll have to shoot off as soon as the lesson ftnishes, other-
wise I'll miss my train.
Shoot up = increase quickly
Example: The share prices of internet companies have been shoot-
ing up lately.
Shop around = look around for the best price, quality, etc.
Example: If you shop around, you can fmd some real bargains for
air tickets.
Show in = take someone into an office
Example: The secretary showed me in to speak to the manager.
Show off = behave in a way so as to attract attention
Example: The children were showing off and irritated me.
Shut down = close a business, shop, etc.
Example: The shop shut down when the out-of-town supermarket
Shut down = turn a computer off
Example: You should close all programs before you shut a com-
puter down.
Side with = support someone
Example: The lecturer sided with her students and got sacked for.

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