
(Grace) #1

Bitmap and vector masks are affected by this issue as well, so please take
care. But the issue affects only rotated layers, either via “Free Transform” or
“Transform” under the Edit menu. Rotating the entire canvas via Image →
Image Rotation has no problem.

Pixel Perfect Vector Pasting

If you’ve drawn pixel-snapped artwork in Illustrator and pasted it into
Photoshop as a shape layer, you may have noticed that the result is not
quite what you expect (i.e. a perfectly sharp image), but rather a blurry
mess. Here’s how to fix that.

Below is some artwork as it appears in Illustrator: perfectly formed,
snapped to the pixel grid, and at the size we intend to use it in Photoshop.

Below are the same paths pasted into Photoshop a few times. Notice how
only the top-left version is sharp, while the others are half a pixel out on the
x axis, y axis or both.

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