Microsoft Word - The Richest Man In Babylon
59 "The richest man he was, and that because he was wise in the ways of gold, even as no man had ever been before him. This nigh ...
62 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON 'Son, many years ago in Nineveh, when I was but a lad. "My master and myself had tarried long into th ...
The Five Laws of Gold 63 house of thy father and give account of thyself. If thou prove worthy, I will then make thee the heir t ...
64 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON "The father smiled indulgently. 'Continue, my son, thy tale interests me in all its details.' " 'I de ...
The Five Laws of Gold 65 at a paltry price. Saying that we would be equal part- ners but first he must return to Babylon to secu ...
66 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON THEFIVELAWS OFGOLD 1. Gold cometh gladly and in increasing qua n- t i t y t o a n y m a n w h o w i l ...
67 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON " 'However, there is no chain of disasters that will not come to an end. Mine came when I secured em- ...
The Five Laws of Gold 68 for the gates. When the king says, 'Make the great gates/ we alone can supply the metal and a rich pric ...
The Five Laws of Gold 69 one at a time, three heavy leather bags. One of these Nomasir took and placed upon the floor before his ...
70 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON laboured much and earned much, yet alas, of gold I have little. Some I spent wisely, some I spent foo ...
71 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON "Any man who will put by one-tenth of his earn- ings consistently and invest it wisely will surely cr ...
The Five Laws of Gold 72 "Gold, indeed, clingeth to the cautious owner, even as it flees the careless owner. The man who seeks t ...
73 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON "Fanciful propositions that thrill like adventure tales always come to the new owner of gold. These a ...
The Five Laws of Gold 74 should have done, of the opportunities which came to us and we took not. "Rich are the treasures of Bab ...
The Gold Lender of Babylon Fifty pieces of gold! Never before had Rodan, the spear- maker of old Babylon, carried so much gold i ...
The Gold Lender of Babylon 75 ful articles artfully displayed, he passed through to the living quarters at the rear; Here he fou ...
74 well of the best wine that he may have satisfaction in the drinking. ...
The Gold Lender of Babylon 77 "Now, tell me what troubles thee." "It is the king's gift." "The king's gift? The king did make th ...
78 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON bronze caster's forge. I will tell it to thee for thou shouldst know that to borrowing and lending th ...
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