Jewellery Care 101_9295

(Shelly) #1


Again, make sure you buy the correct dip for the metal you want
to clean. These are strong chemicals and you should take great
care when using them. Avoid immersing any gemstones and
never dip pearl jewellery. The downside of using silver dip, I've
found, is that items tarnish quicker needing repeated dipping.
And, if you have any blackened areas on pieces, as part of the
design, it will strip them o. It does clean exceptionally well, but
at a cost to your jewellery.

  1. Ultrasonic cleaner
    These used to be only commercially available, but you can buy a
    fairly inexpensive version for home use now. Using just warm
    water and a little liquid soap, ultrasonic cleaners create sound
    waves, which break down accumulated dirt. They're great for
    loosening particles of dirt in complex pieces and chains. But be
    warned, some stones are not suitable for ultrasonic cleaning,
    and pearls as previously mentioned are a denite no no. Check
    with the jeweller you bought the piece from to see if it can be
    cleaned safely this way.

  2. Baking soda, aluminium foil and hot water
    A good old fashioned way - non toxic and environmentally safe,
    but still take care to avoid scratching. Yes it sounds crazy, but it
    works well for silver items as long as they don't contain stones,
    pearls, glue or resin. Simply lay a piece of foil in a deep glass
    dish (or use a foil container), place the items on the foil trying to
    avoid overlapping. Sprinkle over about a tablespoon of baking
    soda to cover the pieces and pour in just enough boiling water to
    cover. The whole thing will foam up. The process takes only
    about 30 seconds and once the foam has subsided, you'll see
    the tarnish has swapped over onto the foil leaving the silver just
    needing a rinse and a rub with a soft cloth. Heavy tarnishing
    may need a little longer, or a second go. After use, the liquid can
    simply be poured away safely down the drain.

  3. Cleaning chemicals - dips and liquids

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