carbohydrates load, 170
women’s fertility and, 161
low-cholesterol diet, 122–23
low-fat diet, 48–49, 106–7, 250–51
LPS-binding proteins, 134–35
Ludwig, David, 255–56
Lugavere, Kathy, 1–5, 119–20, 175–76
Lugavere, Max
about, 6
career choices, 1, 4
childhood diet, 27–28, 91–92, 119–20
in grade school, 42–43
panic attack, 4
personal exercise evolution, 271–72
response to mother’s diagnosis, 3–5, 211–12, 321
utilizing knowledge from research, 16–17
lumen, 186–87
lunch choices, 306
Lustig, Robert, 66
lutein, 55–56, 59, 143, 236, 298, 333–34
lymphatic system, 249
macrominerals, 209–10
macular degeneration, 97
magnesium, 63–64, 65, 209–10
Maillard reaction, 73–74
massage, 264
Matrix, The (film), 4
Mayo Clinic, 83–84
MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), 165–70, 172, 316