Genius Foods

(John Hannent) #1

cutting out polyunsaturated oils from your diet (like
grapeseed oil, frequently hidden in salad dressings, which
has an omega-6-to-omega-3 ratio of seven hundred to one!),
increase your consumption of foods that are naturally high
in omega-3s. This can be achieved by sticking to wild fish,
pastured eggs, and grass-fed or pasture-raised meats, which
have more omega-3s and fewer omega-6s. If you don’t like
fish, or are unable to consume it two to three times per
week, consider supplementing with high-quality fish oil (I’ll
provide tips for choosing one in chapter 12, but here’s a
hint: fish oil is the one place you don’t want to skimp). One
study from Ohio State University found that by simply
taking a daily fish oil supplement that had 2085 milligrams
of anti-inflammatory EPA per day, students were able to
achieve a 14 percent reduction in one particular marker of
inflammation. (This coincided with a 20 percent reduction in

their anxiety.)^13


The Japanese dietary pattern is known to include lots of
vegetables and copious amounts of fish, the latter being a
rich source of both DHA and EPA omega-3s. The country
also enjoys low rates of Alzheimer’s disease. However,
when Japanese nationals move to the United States and
adopt the inflammatory Western diet rich in polyunsaturated
oils, factory-farmed meats, and refined carbohydrates, that
protection seems to disappear: Alzheimer’s rates among

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