Genius Foods

(John Hannent) #1

brain by increasing its supply of a protein called brain-
derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF for short. Dubbed
“Miracle-Gro for the brain,” BDNF is known not only for its
ability to promote the creation of new neurons in the
memory center of the brain but also for being a bodyguard
to your existing brain cells, helping to ensure their survival.
The astonishing power of BDNF can be seen when the
protein is sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish—it causes
them to sprout dendrites, the spiny structures required for
learning, like a Chia Pet!
Having higher levels of BDNF bolsters memory, mood,
and executive function in the short term, and is a powerful

promoter of brain plasticity in the long term.^16 Plasticity is
the term that neuroscientists use to describe the ability of the
brain to change. In conditions where this characteristic is
diminished, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, BDNF
is also lower. The Alzheimer’s brain may actually have half
of the BDNF of a healthy brain, and raising it might slow

progression.^17 Even depression may be a result of having
lowered BDNF, and increasing it might improve

While exercise is one of the best overall ways to boost
this powerfully protective growth hormone, consuming
omega-3 fats, and particularly DHA, is among the best
dietary means that we know of. DHA is so important for
building a healthy brain that researchers believe it was
access to this special fat that allowed our early hominid
brains to reach their current size. This may explain why the
consumption of fish, leading to higher blood levels of

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