(Michael S) #1

in medical profession, 7, 17–18
motivation of, 156–58
negative traits of, 6–7, 10
negotiation by, 148–50, 195–215
and networking, 31, 41–58
online communities for giving, 265–68
own contribution, downplaying, 81–86
pathological giving. See Selfless giving
perspective taking, 88–91, 92–93
in politics, 10–16
powerless communication, 130–54
productive habits of, 4–5, 8–10, 14–15, 22, 50–51, 53–56, 257–58
productivity problem of, 58–59, 155, 172–73, 186–87, 210–11
and pronoia, 48–50
psychological safety created by, 85–86
pushover effect, 189–215
reconnecting over time, 46–54
reluctance, reasons for, 22–23, 241–43, 254–55
responsibility bias, lack of, 83–86
salary, 203–4n
in sales, 137–42
and self-recognition, 254–58
in service sector, 17–20
and success, 6–10, 15–16, 156–58
success, view of, 257
takers becomin, 219–20, 245–49
takers disguised as, 27–28, 31–39
teachers as, 101–2, 106–7
trusting others, 189–94
in venture capital, 1–9, 17, 23–25
women versus men, 203–4n
in workplace, fears of, 22–23, 241–43, 254–55
Gladwell, Malcolm, 104, 191
Glass ceiling, 201–3, 203–4n
Glomb, Theresa, 75
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 94
Go-Giver Community, 267
Goldner, Fred, 48
Gollwitzer, Peter, 245
Goodfellow, David, 267
GOOD thirty-day challenge, 267
Goodwill, and dormant ties, 51–53
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 15
Google, job crafting, 262–63
Gopnik, Alison, 90
Gossip, as punishment, 34
Granger, Chris, 123n
Granovetter, Mark, 47
GraphScience, 53
Green Day, 46–48
Greene, Robert, 21
Grit, and talent development, 105–6
Groening, Matt, 63
Gross, Bob, 118–19
Groupon, 39–40
Groysberg, Boris, 71
Grumbles, Bill, 135–36

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